Agribusiness industry in Romania is attractive to a wide range of Clients, from private investors to multinational agribusiness players, due to our country’s very rich and diverse natural resources (with over 60% of Romania as arable land), relatively low prices of agricultural land and affordable work force.
At the same time, this proves to be an ever-challenging sector, filled with over-the-night legal intricacies, be it in the trading area, or in production.
Farming and agricultural legislation, especially the secondary one, often drive businesses into take fast decisions, and adapt to a legislative environment that needs to be fully and carefully understood and used, in order to avoid any economic, fiscal or regulatory issues.
Strătulă & Asociații combines industry perspective with in-depth experience, counselling a wide variety of Clients in the farming and other agribusiness-related areas, in key aspects like: compliance and regulatory issues, tax, litigation, corporate and commercial aspects, state aid, EU funding, employment, competition.
Our Client profiles range from multinational farming and agricultural corporations to local private enterprises and investors, in virtually all areas of agricultural and farming activities, including various animal breeding, animal farms, vegetable greenhouses, organic vegetable farms, slaughter houses, land cultivators, or related activities like neutralization of animal by-products, agri-tourism, etc.
Key Contact:
+4 021 211 16 53