IP Expertise
Our IP team provides qualified assistance in protecting and enforcing the clients’ rights in operations such as mergers and acquisitions, franchising, joint ventures, licensing and assignment of intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as in negotiating, modifying and enforcing any type of copyright transfer.
We advise on a variety of agreements in relation to the creation, acquisition, licensing and exploitation of intellectual and industrial property, in the assessment of trademark and design availability and registration, and also in conducting market inquiries.
To the Point
Romania’s leading TV station
We advise the most popular and the market leader TV station (ratings wise) on IP issues related to contracts with local stars, actors, TV presenters, etc, as well as on various other trade mark protection related aspects.
World leading US cable TV company
We advise the market leader on telecommunication (internet and cable) industry in Romania with respect to various trade mark and other intellectual property issues, either contentious or non contentious. Among such there are issues related to protection of IP rights, regulatory analysis on trade mark usages and TV spot productions, etc.
Turkish leading TV production company
We provide ongoing assistance to this TV production company (Romanian subsidiary of one of the most famous Turkish TV production companies) on aspects related to copyrights, as well as other TV production rights resulting from contracts with TV stations.