Reinforced by a multiple prize winning litigation team, our Insolvency practice portfolio has included over the past years some of the major insolvency procedures in Bucharest, as well as in several other major cities in Romania.
We represent both creditors and the debtors during the insolvency procedure, both in and out of court, including legal assistance and representation during the main procedure, during the objections against the creditor tables, as well during the general creditor assemblies and creditor committee assemblies.
We assist and represent companies during a variety of restructuring procedures, whether outside of the insolvency procedure, or within it, via a reorganization plan. To this end, we provide assistance in all the specific restructuring related activities, ranging from employment restructuring, to the corporate and tax matters that accompany any such process.
To the Point
Euro 150,000,000 construction industry insolvency
Reorganization of Romania’s leading animal waste neutralization company